About Philip.
Philip Keller is a data scientist with expertise in operations research, optimization, engineering management, and risk analysis. He is currently a Senior Operations Research Scientist in the tech industry, with deep interest in developing and deploying integer programming and stochastic optimization algorithms at scale. His work focuses on operations, supply chain, logistics, scheduling, and resource allocation.
Philip completed his doctoral degree at Stanford University in Management Science & Engineering, with a concentration in engineering risk and decision analysis. His research used mathematics, engineering, and computing to inform complex decision problems, with a focus on decisions surrounding new and emerging technologies.
At Stanford, Philip's work was funded by the National Defense Science & Engineering Graduate fellowship (NDSEG). He also had a research fellowship at Stanford's Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC); was a member of the Stanford Decision Analysis Working Group; and was a member of Stanford's Engineering Risk Research Group. His doctoral research was advised by Dr. M. Elisabeth Paté-Cornell.